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gum trees shading historical buildings


ヘルマンスバーグ歴史地区は 2023 シーズンに向けて閉鎖されました。


ハーマンズバーグ (1877 年設立) はもともとルーテル教会の宣教地であり、アリス スプリングスよりも前の中央オーストラリアで最初の町でした。ここは、有名なアボリジニの水彩画家、アルバート ナマジラの本拠地でもありました。 1982 年にこの地域はアボリジニの人々に返還され、1988 年にはドイツ風の白塗りの建物が 19 世紀当時の状態に復元されました。現在は国家遺産登録されています。教会、学校の建物、皮なめし工場、肉工場、さまざまな宣教者の住居など、十数の建物を探索できます。これらの建物は 1880 年代から 1890 年代に建てられたものです。建物の中を散策しながら、初期の宣教師たちの悲しみと喜びを学びましょうが、それよりも重要なのは、地元のアランダの人々とヨーロッパ人が生き残り、繁栄するためにどのように協力したかを学ぶことです。



  • Indicative Prices$13.00から$15.00へのチケット
  • Child からのチケット $


  • カフェ
  • 駐車場
  • コーチの駐車場
  • ピクニックエリア
  • 公衆便所
  • ショップ/ギフトショップ
  • 無料のWiFi


Caters for people with sufficient mobility to climb a few steps but who would benefit from fixtures to aid balance. (This includes people using walking frames and mobility aids) Caters for people who are deaf or have hearing loss.


  • 品質ツーリズム認定
  • ナショナルトラスト




ドライブルート フライトルート

Can you camp in Hermannsburg?

Yes, you can camp in Hermannsburg. The Ntaria Camping Ground has picnic tables, shelters, toilets and showers. This is within walking distance of the historic precinct.

Hermannsburg also has a supermarket and fuel station just 1 min drive from the historic precinct, but be sure to check the opening hours.


How do you get around?

You can access Hermannsburg via 2WD. You can walk around the historic precinct and take a short drive to Hermannsburg Potters. If you want to travel on to nearby Finke River National Park, you’ll need a high clearance 4WD.


How do you get to Hermannsburg?

Hermannsburg is located 125km from Alice Springs and takes about 1½ hours’ drive.

  • From Alice Springs, head west on Larapinta Drive
  • Before you get to the Finke River, turn right at the sign to Hermannsburg and drive all the way to the "T" intersection
  • Turn left and proceed about 800 metres, and you’ll see the carpark and historic precinct on your left.

What are the best things to see and do?

The historic precinct is a sacred site known as Ntaria. Here you can explore the restored buildings and stop by for lunch. The Kata Anga tea rooms are found in Pastor Carl Strehlow’s original homestead, and their apple strudel and scones are justly famous.

Visit the Hermannsburg Potters studio, but ensure you phone ahead to make an appointment. You can also find their artworks in the shops at the historic precinct.

A house built in 1994 by famous aboriginal artist Albert Namijira is located 3km west of Hermannsburg.


What else should you know about Hermannsburg?

Pastor Carl Strehlow, a founder of the mission and the first person to document the Aranda language, had a son named Teddy who received sacred objects from local indigenous people in the 1930’s. These artefacts are now in collection at the Strehlow Centre in Alice Springs, which is run by the Museum of Central Australia.

Hermannsburg hosts the annual Ntaria sports day in early May, bringing people from communities in the MacDonnell Ranges, Western Desert, and sometimes further to compete in basketball, softball and AFL competitions. The Aranda Bulldogs football club in the Central Australian AFL competition has weekly games you might be able to watch during the season.


When’s the best time to visit?

Hermannsburg is such a unique place that any time is good to visit. If you prefer cooler weather, a visit from April to September would suit you best.


Where can you go from Hermannsburg?

If you have a 4WD you can explore the Finke River National Park with attractions like Palm Valley featuring the main gorge with waterholes, high red cliffs, river red gums and a number of walks.


What’s special about Hermannsburg?

Hermannsburg stands out as one of the first inland European settlements in Australia. It provides a fascinating insight into the pioneering days in the Northern Territory and the relationship between the missionaries and local “Aranda” Aboriginal people. Hermannsburg is also the birthplace of renowned Aboriginal landscape artist, Albert Namatjira.

